MilesWeb Review : Super Affordable Shared Hosting

Introducing MilesWeb

Long term affordability or Super Affordable Web Hosting has always been a subject of attraction for newbies and Beginners.

As beginners we always dream of getting perfect Uptime and Speed with Super Affordable or Super Cheap Web Hosting. We always dream of enjoying promotional prices forever and many newbies might hate regular prices or price renewals !

So how about a Super Affordable Web Host that brings to you the Buy and Renew at same promotional price deals so that you can enjoy promotional prices for a longer period of time.

We are talking about MilesWeb (affiliate link).

However the “Buy & Renew at same prices” deals are only on selected plans like only on shared plans so definitely as a beginner or a newbie you can enjoy these deals for sure.

If you are a newbie and planning long term and you want a slow and steady start then these MilesWeb Shared plans at promotional rates can be a great option for you.

Review Highlight Sections

Before starting this review it is better you get to know the three main Highlight sections of this article.

You can jump directly to these three main highlight sections through the buttons given below if you are in a hurry.

Here is a brief understanding regarding the 3 (Three) main Highlight segments or sections of this review.

Overall Ratings :

The Overall Rating Section shows to you the total average combined rating of the Web Host based on 9 (nine) different parameters or features that you will see in details in this review.

Overall Ratings segment can be seen like a summary of a whole review and so you can take your decision regarding any Web Host based on that Web Host’s Overall Ratings only.

Possible Alternatives :

The Possible alternative section shows you various other web hosts that can be an alternative to MilesWeb.

Question & Answers :

In this section you may find answers regarding which plans can be better for you and which are the better alternatives you can go for.

To help you better we also have a Quick Advice page where you can see different Web Hosts and what best they have to offer to you.

Let’s Begin The Review in Detail

Before starting the review it is advised that you read each section like Recommendable, Uptime, Speed, Security, Affordability, Support, Backup, MoneyBack Guarantee and Features etc carefully because these sections have been given ratings so that you can easily figure out that in which section or feature the particular Web Host is stronger or Weaker.

Please try to read all and everything by scrolling down till the end. It will be a useful read for sure.

So now let’s begin this review in depth with the first parameter and that’s Recommendability :

MilesWeb overall rating is 4.4 out 5 stars which makes it one of the very great Web hosts. So read the full article.

This section is about Web Host Recommendability :

1) Recommendability

From this parameter or factor you can decide how much recommendable the product or service is to others.

Through this parameter you can decide what are the chances that I as a customer would recommend this particular service to others like me.

Through this parameter you can decide the trust value and overall quality the particular company offers to you.

4.5 out or 5 stars out 5 means it’s Highly Recommendable.

So How many stars for Recommendability ?

MilesWeb gets 4.5 out of 5 stars for recommendability. MilesWeb is Highly recommended.

What makes MilesWeb Highly Recommendable ?

MilesWeb has been there since 2012 so comparatively a new web hosting in the business but new web host means new technology and a new approach towards customers which will bring some more freshness in the web hosting business.

MilesWeb (affiliate link) with its superior features and low pricing can compete with any established giant in the web hosting business.

According to the company statement MilesWeb has been formed to provide not only reliable, fast and secure Web Hosting but it also provides affordable cost effective web hosting solutions which is the need of the industry.

You will not get this many features in this much low cost anywhere.

So MilesWeb is a Highly reliable Web Host and it is highly recommended.

This second segment is about Uptime :

2) Uptime :

Uptime is a feature or factor that everyone is worried about all the time, so on the basis of Uptime Guarantees provided and technologies used for enhancing Uptime the Web Hosts are given rating.

In this section you will be able to easily decide that this particular Hosting Provider is going to give you the reliable Uptime or not !!

4.5 or 5 stars out 5 are only given when we are super convinced about the Uptime.

How many stars for Uptime ?

MilesWeb gets 4.5 stars out 5 for Uptime.

Will it give reliable or continuous Uptime ?

Here are some reasons why you will get better Uptime with MilesWeb :

  • MilesWeb has tier 3 and tier 4 data centers that enables them to provide you 99.95% Uptime guarantee.
  • Plus MilesWeb (affiliate link) has some more features to offer like CPU cores and RAM that they provide is generally a bit more higher in numbers than what other web hosts provide.
  • Plus Cloud Linux servers makes sure that user accounts are isolated and you get the feel of virtual server on a shared server which helps in maintaining server stability and security so eventually your website also becomes more stable and secure.
  • Cloud Flare CDN with Rail gun also increases the Uptime.

So about Uptime there is no need to worry when you are with MilesWeb.

This section is about Speed :

3) Speed :

Speed or Loading time is essential for any website and in this section you can figure out how much dedicated the particular Hosting Provider is to bring you the best possible Speed.

On the basis of various technologies used by the Web Hosts and analyzing many other factors related to Speed we have rated the Web hosts for Speed and Performance.

4.5 or 5 out 5 stars for Speed are only given when we are fully assured that Speed is going to be delivered for sure.

So How many stars for Speed ?

MilesWeb gets 4.5 out 5 stars for Speed which is great.

What is the Guarantee for Speed with MilesWeb ?

It heavily depends on your plan that which plan you have chosen. Here are some points to clarify :

  • With traditional shared Hosting there are always going to be problems with Uptime and Speed.
  • On the other hand new Cloud Technology keeps your Website Up for longer period of time and you can also expect higher Performance or Speed with Cloud Plans of the same Web Host.
  • MilesWeb uses SSD (Solid States Drives) which also play a vital role in enhancing speed because through SSD visitors can access or reach your website quickly.
  • With MilesWeb (affiliate link) you get HTTP/2 and Apache Mod_Lsapi which are great factors that enhances the Website performance.
  • Plus there is Cloud flare CDN with Railgun which makes sure that the requests can be served faster globally that enhances the overall performance of the website.
  • Plus there is OPCache also available which you will not see with other Web Hosts in this much cheaper prices.
  • Data Centers located in US, Canada, Australia, India, Singapore, UK.

So seeing all of these Performance related features there is no concern about Speed with MilesWeb at all.

This fourth section is about Security features :

4) Security :

Most of the folks think about Uptime and Performance and select their Hosting Provider but it is better to check whether your Web Host provides good enough Security features or not.

There are many features and factors we have thought of to give ratings on security. You might find about various factors we have considered when you further read the section.

However Security features get better with Higher Plans but there are a few Web Hosts who give great features for Security and even 4 stars out 5 would be considered good for Security.

So How many stars for Security ?

MilesWeb gets 4.5 stars out 5 for security. MilesWeb is Highly Secure Web Host.

What are the features that make MilesWeb highly secure ?

Here are some features that make MilesWeb highly secure :

  • First of all there is network firewall to prohibit unauthorized users to access private network.
  • Moreover with MilesWeb (affiliate link) there is web application firewall to protect your website from malicious attacks.
  • Further there is brute-force protection provided and then there is exploits and malware protect provided.
  • Two factor authentication and Bitninja Server security provided.
  • All web hosting accounts on the server are isolated so that there is extra layer of security is formed which also enhances reliability.
  • Then there is free SSL certificates are provided in all plans.
  • There is also Spamassassin provided for filtering email spams.

So all in all no worries about security when you are with MilesWeb.

This fifth section is about Affordability :

5) Affordability

Depending on various factors like promotional prices and Yearly and Monthly plans etc we have given ratings out 5 to help you decide which particular Web Host is affordable for you.

For any small beginning you need a small start with affordable investment and that is why we have included Affordability as a factor to rate various Web Hosting Providers.

Highly Affordable Web Hosts have scored 4.5 or 5 out 5 stars and 4 star for affordability is also considered good.

So How many stars for providing Affordable plans ?

MilesWeb gets 4.5 stars out 5 for Super Affordable plans.

Why on Renewal I get to pay more ?

There are certain Web Hosts like MilesWeb at present are giving some schemes that you can enjoy same promotional prices for lifetime which can be great but at some point in future you might think of growing your Website on bigger platforms no matter how costly the plans are.

Full answer regarding renewal prices you can find it here in this article.

Talking about MilesWeb, it is highly affordable.

What makes MilesWeb Super affordable ?

Here are some reasons for MilesWeb to be highly affordable :

  • MilesWeb provides top notch security and performance features in the most affordable plans that makes MilesWeb one of the most loved and trusted web hosts at present.
  • Then there is a scheme for their shared plans where you can enjoy the same promotional prices for a life time.
  • So with certain selected plans there not going to be any renewal price hike.

See the features offered along with life time prices MilesWeb (affiliate link) is super affordable and it can be the best Web Host for beginners or newbies.

However the life time promotional prices schemes are there for years now but you are advised to thoroughly confirm this with the customer support as well before making any purchase decision.

You can visit the site with the below given button :

This Sixth Section is about Support :

6) Support :

Support from the web hosts is essential for beginners and non techy people and that is why on the basis of various factors we have rated the Web Hosts who can give you the support or help whenever you need for getting your website running smoothly.

On the basis of various factors like Speed to solve the problem, Courtesy and attitude we have given stars out 5 accordingly.

So How many stars for Support ?

MilesWeb gets 4.5 stars out 5 for great Support.

Can Support really be a factor to decide a Web Host ?

It depends on your will and skill that how much support you might need when you are in trouble.

The thing is that if you have paid to your Hosting provider for any service and if there is a tradition of providing Support to the customers then why not use it !!

Support from your Web Host can be vital in certain circumstances where you need to recover from a hacked site or maybe in case of Broken site you can have at least someone by your side to help you out.

Talking about MilesWeb free Site Migration is also provided along with 24/7/365 expert support which is great.

This Seventh Section is about Backup :

7) Backup :

Backups are essential when you want a recovery from a hacked or broken site and that is why hosting providers giving regular backups are given better stars.

It is heavily advised that if your Hosting Provider is not keeping your Backups regularly then develop a habit of taking Backups manually by your self. It’s a very easy task.

Updraft Plus (affiliate link) is widely popular and used for taking backups of sites and you can take Backups through your cPanel also.

See here how to take Backups of your site (affiliate link).

If daily backups are provided we have given 5 out 5 stars for that.

How many stars for providing Backups ?

MilesWeb gets 4 out 5 stars for providing Weekly backups.

Why to Judge Hostings on the basis of Backups ?

Well, we are not Judging anyone but there are Hosting providers giving daily Backups and Backup features takes us towards “managed hosting” where you as a website owner don’t have to worry about most the things.

Those Web Hosts which are providing regular daily Backups they are no doubt doing great and it only improves the security features overall.

So those Hostings which are providing daily Backups you can say they are more reliable because they are taking away a burden from your shoulder by taking daily Backups for you. It’s great isn’t it !!!

So 4 on 5 for MilesWeb for giving weekly Backups.

MilesWeb charges a bit extra to give you the automated backups.

These charges are negligible and it will not make your plan costly so one should definitely go for such backup features however it would be great if backups were provided for free.

This Eighth Segment is about MoneyBack Guarantee :

8) MoneyBack Guarantee :

The longer MoneyBack Guarantees are not only in favor of customers but longer MoneyBack Guarantees also shows how much confidence the companies or the Web Hosts in this case have in their own service.

Moreover and obviously longer MoneyBack Guarantees give more time to customers to get to know the Web Hosts and their services and accordingly customers can take actions.

The longest MoneyBack Guarantees have won 5 out 5 stars.

So How many stars for MoneyBack Guarantee ?

MilesWeb gets 3 stars out 5 for their 30 days long MoneyBack Guarantee.

Is MoneyBack Guarantee really important ?

If you like the features and prices and you have decided to go with any particular Web Host then MoneyBack Guarantee is not really important.

If you have long term strategy with your website then also MoneyBack Guarantees doesn’t count but in certain circumstances if you are given a longer MoneyBack Guarantee and you think you have taken a wrong decision then this features really helps.

Moreover longer MoneyBack Guarantees shows the confidence of the Web Hosts in their own service. There are web hosts like DreamHost (Full Review) and InMotion who give long MoneyBack Guarantees of 97 days and 90 days respectively.

Then there are Web Hosts like TMDHosting (Full Review) who give a 60 day MoneyBack Guarantee.

HostGator (Full Review) and FastComet (Full Review) give 45 days long MoneyBack Guarantee.

So definitely the Web Hosts that give longer MoneyBack Guarantee seem more reliable.

So in compare with these longer MoneyBack Guarantees MilesWeb (affiliate link) gets 3 out of 5 for providing 30 days long MoneyBack Guarantee.

This Ninth segment is about Features that your Web Host provide :

9) Features :

Features are the first things that we see on the Web Hostings site when we want to select any Hosting for us and generally people make decisions seeing the features provided only.

Here seeing this review completely I expect that those who read articles or reviews on this site may start thinking beyond features also when it comes to Web Hosting selection. (Heavy statement, You can take it as a joke). 🙂

We have given 4.5 or 5 out of 5 stars when we are highly convinced about the overall service and the features offered.

So How many stars for features ?

MilesWeb gets 4.5 out 5 stars for great features overall.

Are the features like Unlimited Bandwidth really important ?

On the basis of various features like free domains, Unlimited Bandwidths etc we cannot get the overall idea about the hosting provider and that is why these features cannot be the only factor to decide the right Web Host for you.

Talking about features like Unlimited Bandwidth and Unlimited Disk Space it is really good but it cannot be the only reason to select any Web Host.

See this article to get some of your questions answered regarding selecting a web host.

To decide the right Web Host you should see all the aspects and features of any particular Web Host properly and then make a decision that which is the right Web Host for you.

What are the highlight features of MilesWeb that are great ?

Here are some features that make MilesWeb a great Web Host :

  • MilesWeb can easily defeat many popular Web Hosts on the basis of the security features and quality performance it is providing with affordable plans.
  • There is Leech protect feature for enhanced security which you may hardly see in lower plans of any other Web Host.
  • Free Domain for a year is also provided.
  • 10 email accounts on Tyro plan and Unlimited email accounts on higher plans.
  • Unlimited Bandwidth in all MilesWeb (affiliate link) plans are provided.
  • 1GB SSD Disk Space in Tyro plan and Unlimited Disk space in Swift and Turbo plan is provided.
  • There is free and automated installation of SSL certificates given in all plans. Plus Virus scanner is also there.

So this is how MilesWeb will always make sure that you get all quality features so that your website can perform at the highest levels and that is also in very affordable rates.

This segment is about Overall Ratings :

10) Overall Ratings :

If you have jumped directly to this segment then it might be a time saving decision. Here you will find the combined Overall Ratings for your Web Host.

In short this Overall Ratings you can take it as a final average rating which will decide in total or in general how great a Web Hosting can prove to be for you.

Further clarifying, Overall Rating just give you an overall idea about the Web Host however different Web Hosts can be best in certain criteria and can be just average in certain other criteria.

For example : TMDHosting is best in Cloud plans where on the other hand InterServer provides best security features.

The Web Hosts getting 4.5 or above 4.5 stars out of 5 are the best Web Hosts as per our ratings and research and these are really one of those who should be on your favorite list at least.

So How many Overall stars to this Web Host ?

MilesWeb gets 4.4 out 5 stars Overall which is great.

What are the Overall best points about MilesWeb ?

  • MilesWeb can be great for anyone because it’s Super Affordable.
  • MilesWeb (affiliate link) life time promotional prices can defeat any Giant hosting in terms of affordability.
  • The combination of features offered along with super affordable plans are Unmatchable.

More regarding MilesWeb important features you can read in the conclusion segment.

What is the importance of this Overall Rating Segment ?

The best thing is that if you know the Overall Ratings you don’t have to worry about knowing other factors and parameters because all factors are included in the Overall ratings.

However all the parameters have their own importance and it is good to see all parameters like Uptime, Moneyback Guarantee etc properly if you want to know better about any Web Host.

In this part you may find the Conclusion regarding this review :


Concluding this review I can say that MilesWeb has left no space for any critics to argue on their features and pricing.

MilesWeb (affiliate link) is one of the most reliable and affordable Web Hosts.

The Performance features and Security features are World Beaters.

You might not see this many features in this much very low prices.

So all in all MilesWeb presents a very good shared hosting deal where you will never have to face the price renewals.

It can be a good start for the beginners.

You may find the answers regarding which can be the best Web Hosting plan for you and what can be the alternatives in the Questions & Answers segment.

You may find in details what can be the other Web Hosts that should be on your lists in the Possible Alternatives segment.

This section is about Question & Answers :

Q & A
Question & Answers

In this segment I have tried answering all possible questions that I thought might be important to you :

Hopefully you will find satisfying answers.

You will not see this much straight deal that you can enjoy Web Hosting at the promotional rates for a lifetime period.

The only thing is that you will have to purchase the plans for the 3 years period to get the full benefit of the scheme.

Apart from Affordability MilesWeb (affiliate link) will win your hearts with its features. You will not see this many features anywhere in this much cheaper rates with any other Web Host.

You will hardly get alternatives in the shared hosting segment that can beat MilesWeb (affiliate link) pricing and features offered.

There are a few Web Hosts like InterServer, DreamHost, TMDHosting and GreenGeeks that we can count upon to be an alternative for MilesWeb.

To be honest the scheme of Life Time promotional prices on shared hosting is Unbeatable and there are very few who can match with MilesWeb.

Go To Possible Alternatives to find more Alternative Web Hosts :

The Turbo plan seems to have all the features and still it seems very affordable so the Turbo plan should be the choice of many.

Visit the MilesWeb (affiliate link) site through the button given below and I advise you to confirm the promotional price related deal with the customer support as well before going for any purchase.

In this section you will find Possible Alternative Web Hosts :

Possible Alternatives :

In this section you may find all Possible Alternatives to MilesWeb.

So here are the Alternative Web Hosts that might be beneficial for you :

The closest and best alternatives to MilesWeb can be GreenGeeks (full review), InterServer (full review), TMDHosting (full review) and DreamHost (full review) however you may find lifetime promotional deals on shared hosting with MilesWeb only.

So in terms of getting good performance with affordable pricing MilesWeb can be a great choice.

To save your time we have a Quick Advice page where you can find all Web Hosts along with prime details that what best they have to offer to you.

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