What is spamming or spam : How to Avoid Spamming

Due to various reasons all comments and contact forms has been disabled on this website. And one of the reason why comments are disabled is because of spammers. There are more spammers than genuine people on the internet. It’s not surprising because there are more bots and spammers than actual people on the Internet. As…

WordPress.com Vs WordPress.org : Why WordPress.Org is the best

The articles on difference between WordPress.Com and WordPress.Org are widely seen on the internet and it is essential for the beginners to know the difference between WordPress.Com and WordPress.Org. Instead of writing a long article I would just rather give clear view why WordPress.Org is better than WordPress.Com and overall the best. To be clear…

MilesWeb Review : Super Affordable Shared Hosting

Introducing MilesWeb Long term affordability or Super Affordable Web Hosting has always been a subject of attraction for newbies and Beginners. As beginners we always dream of getting perfect Uptime and Speed with Super Affordable or Super Cheap Web Hosting. We always dream of enjoying promotional prices forever and many newbies might hate regular prices…

BlueHost Review : Reliable & Feature Rich Web Hosting

Introducing BlueHost Whenever we are starting our blogging journey and looking for a reliable Web Host then generally we see that most of the professional bloggers will recommend to you BlueHost as their personal favorite. BlueHost has been there for many years now and those who have become professional bloggers today, most of them started…